
Mapping the Spread of COVID-19 with Python

Written by Aoife Curran. The purpose of this post isn’t to add new insight into the spread of the coronavirus - there are plenty of experts out there more qualified. Instead, our goal is to highlight how to construct simple, interactive visualisations using live data such as: Getting the tools Folium is a Python library that allows you to create different types of interactive Leaflet maps. Here, we are using the Novel Corona Virus 2019 Dataset to demonstrate how to make a choropleth (map) with a timeslider.

Online R, Python & Git Training!

Hey there! Here at Jumping Rivers, we have the capabilities to teach you R, Python & Git virtually. For the last three years we have been running online training courses for small groups (and even 1 to 1). How is it different to an in-person course? It’s the same, but also different! The course contents is the same, but obviously the structure is adapted to online training. For example, rather than a single long session, we would break the day up over a couple of days and allow regular check-in points.