
Training Course Details

Principled Bayesian Workflow - Michael Betancourt

Principled Bayesian Workflow - Michael Betancourt

Course Level: Advanced

We are very happy to announce that following “Jumping Rivers: Bayesian Inference using Stan”, Michael Betancourt, a core developer of Stan, is running a series of 5 modules for principled statistical modelling with Stan. In this module we review a principled Bayesian workflow that guides the development of statistical models suited to the particular details of a given application.

For full event information and booking details, please visit the event page

Online | February 15, 2021,

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Course Details

  • Course Outline
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Materials
  • Prior Knowledge

Course Outline

For full module information, please visit the event page

Learning Outcomes


Prior Knowledge

In regards to Stan experience, attending the following courses would be of great benefit:

As mentioned, the course is aimed at current Stan users and will assume familiarity with the basics of calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, probabilistic modeling and statistical inference, and Stan.

Attendees are strongly encouraged to review

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