
Training Course Details

Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse

Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse

Course Level: Foundation

The tidyverse is essential for any data scientist who deals with data on a day-to-day basis. By focusing on small key tasks, the tidyverse suite of packages removes the pain of data manipulation. The tidyverse allows you to import, tidy, transform, manipulate and visualise data. This course covers key tidyverse areas, such as {dplyr}, {lubridate}, {tidyr} and tibbles.

Online | August 9, 2021,

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Course Details

  • Course Outline
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Materials
  • Prior Knowledge

Course Outline

  • What is the {tidyverse}?
  • tibbles vs data.frames: differences and similarities
  • {dplyr}: filtering, joins, and groups
  • Tidy data: What is it and how to get it using {tidyr}.
  • Dates/times with the {lubridate} package

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the day, participants will be able to…

  • rearrange their data into an optimal tidy format
  • manipulate dates and times in R
  • join and separate different data sets
  • explain the differences between the tidyverse and standard R


  • Example course material for 'Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse
  • Example course material for 'Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse
  • Example course material for 'Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse
  • Example course material for 'Getting to Grips with the Tidyverse

Prior Knowledge

This course assumes familiarity with the concepts taught in our Introduction to R course. In particular, we build on the underlying {tidyverse} theory by introducing new {tidyverse} packages. If you have limited or no experience in R, we would advise you to complete our Introduction to R course, before attending.

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