
Selecting the correct image file type

This is part two of our four part series Part 1: Specifying the correct dimension in {knitr} graphic Part 2: What image format should you use (this post) Part 3: Including external graphics in your document Part 4: Optimal {knitr} settings. There are (at least) three file formats to choose from: JPEG, PNG and SVG. Attribute JPEG PNG SVG Type Raster Raster Vector Transparency No Yes Yes Animation No No Yes Lossy Yes No Yes Recommended Occasionally Yes Often If you are reading this via a syndication site, be sure to go the original post for updated links.

Image sizes in an R markdown Document

At Jumping Rivers we recently moved our website from WordPress to Hugo. The main reason for the move was that since the team are all very comfortable with Git, continuous integration and continuous development using a static web-site generator made more sense than WordPress. Additional benefits are decreasing the page loading time speed and general site security - WordPress sites are notorious for getting hacked if not kept up to date.

Setting the Graphics Device in a RMarkdown Document

In our recent post about saving R graphics, it became obvious that achieving consistent graphics across platforms or even saving the “correct” graph on a particular OS was challenging. Getting consistent fonts across platforms often failed, and for the default PNG device under Windows, anti-aliasing was also an issue. The conclusion of the post was to use grDevices::cairo_pdf() for saving PDF graphics or grDevices::png(..., type = "cairo_png") for PNGs or alternatively the new {ragg} package.

Saving R Graphics across OSs

R is known for it’s amazing graphics. Not only {ggplot2}, but also {plotly}, and the other dozens of packages at the graphics task view. There seems to be a graph for every scenario. However once you’ve created your figure, how do you export it? This post compares standard methods for exporting R plots as PNGs/PDFs across different OSs. As R has excellent cross-platform capabilities, we may expect this to follow through to exporting graphics.