
Setting the Graphics Device in a RMarkdown Document

In our recent post about saving R graphics, it became obvious that achieving consistent graphics across platforms or even saving the “correct” graph on a particular OS was challenging. Getting consistent fonts across platforms often failed, and for the default PNG device under Windows, anti-aliasing was also an issue. The conclusion of the post was to use grDevices::cairo_pdf() for saving PDF graphics or grDevices::png(..., type = "cairo_png") for PNGs or alternatively the new {ragg} package.

Saving R Graphics across OSs

R is known for it’s amazing graphics. Not only {ggplot2}, but also {plotly}, and the other dozens of packages at the graphics task view. There seems to be a graph for every scenario. However once you’ve created your figure, how do you export it? This post compares standard methods for exporting R plots as PNGs/PDFs across different OSs. As R has excellent cross-platform capabilities, we may expect this to follow through to exporting graphics.

Faster R package installation

Faster package installation Every few weeks or so, a tweet pops up asking about how to speed up package installation in R Depending on the luck of twitter, the author may get a few suggestions. The bigger picture is that package installation time is starting to become more of an issue for a number of reasons. For example, packages are getting larger and more complex (tidyverse and friends), so installation just takes longer.

Online R, Python & Git Training!

Hey there! Here at Jumping Rivers, we have the capabilities to teach you R, Python & Git virtually. For the last three years we have been running online training courses for small groups (and even 1 to 1). How is it different to an in-person course? It’s the same, but also different! The course contents is the same, but obviously the structure is adapted to online training. For example, rather than a single long session, we would break the day up over a couple of days and allow regular check-in points.

R as a tool for Systems Administration

When talking about languages to use in Production in data science, R is usually not part of the conversation and if it is, it’s referenced as a secondary language. One of the main reasons this occurs is because R it’s commonly associated with being more suitable for statistical analysis and languages like Python and JavaScript, more suitable for doing other tasks such as creating web applications or implementing machine learning models.

Customising your Rprofile

What is an Rprofile Every time R starts, it runs through a couple of R scripts. One of these scripts is the .Rprofile. This allows users to customise their particular set-up. However, some care has to be taken, as if this script is broken, this can cause R to break. If this happens, just delete the script! Full details of how the .Rprofile works can be found in my book with Robin on Efficient R programming.

Key R Operators

Operators you should make more use of in R Only recently have I discovered the true power of some the operators in R. Here are some tips on some underused operators in R: The %in% operator This funny looking operator is very handy. It’s short for testing if several values appear in an object. For instance x = c(2, 6, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 2) To grab all the values where x is 2, 4 or 14 we could do

Training courses in San Francisco

Jumping Rivers are coming to San Francisco in January 2020! We’ll be running a number of R training courses with Paradigm Data. You can find the booking links and more details over at our courses page. Don’t be afraid to get in contact if you have any questions! 22nd January - Intro to R This is a one-day intensive course on R and assumes no prior knowledge. By the end of the course, participants will be able to import, summarise and plot their data.

Counting Arguments in the Tidyverse

Before we start anything, I’d like to mention that most of the hard work came from nsaunders and his great blog post Idle thoughts lead to R internals: how to count function arguments. Let’s get started. The aim of this blog is to capture the number of arguments present in each function with packages of the {tidyverse}. First we need to load the necessary packages library("tidyverse") library("tidytext") Now we need to grab the relevant {tidyverse} packages

Sponsorship: SatRdays and useR Groups

SatRdays SatRdays are great. Low cost R events, held around the world. What’s not to love! For the last year, we have been offering automatic sponsorship for all SatRday events. All the organisers have to do is complete a quick questionnaire and the money is sent on it’s way. So far we have sponsored seven events! Kampal 2019 Newcastle 2019 Nairobi 2019 Cardiff 2019 Berlin 2019 Abidjan 2020 Newcastle 2020 So if you are organising a SatRday, feel free to tap us for sponsorship!